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08/23/2018 | Campus-Meldung

Second Mathematical Researcher Day at the University of Kassel

Students from the mathematics didactics group at the University of Kassel developed teaching materials for elementary school children from the city of Kassel. On September 12, 180 elementary school children from eight partner classes will try out these teaching offers. The Mathematical Researcher Day will take place from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the AVZ location of the University of Kassel.

Image: University of Kassel

In the subject didactic seminar "Heterogeneity in Mathematics Teaching at Primary School" under the direction of Prof. Rathgeb-Schnierer, students developed twelve different learning opportunities, which will be tested and evaluated on September 12 with about 180 elementary school children from the city of Kassel (Schule am Heideweg, Schule am Königstor, Dorothea-Viehmann-Schule, Valentin-Traudt-Schule, Reformschule) and the surrounding area (elementary school Hessisch Lichtenau).

The seminar and the researcher day are intended to prepare students for their future tasks as primary school teachers. In this context, they will have the opportunity to encounter a diverse and heterogeneous group of students.

The children from eight different school classes will come to the Heinrich-Plett-Strasse location of the University of Kassel for one morning (9:00-12:00) together with their teachers. After a joint welcome in the lecture hall, tandems of two to three students take over a group of children composed according to heterogeneous aspects. The points of view are, for example, mixed age groups, language of origin, special needs or gender.

With this small group of about 15 children each, the students work on the prepared open learning opportunities (problem-solving tasks, modeling tasks...) The children document their solution paths and their procedure in research notebooks, which serve the students for later evaluation. Afterwards, the children receive their research notebooks and a certificate. The class teachers use the day for observation.

Tanja Röll
University of Kassel
Institute of Mathematics
Mathematics Teaching Group
Tel.: +49 561 804-4621
E-mail: troell[at]mathematik.uni-kassel[dot]de