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12/18/2018 | Campus-Meldung

New equal opportunity plan of the University of Kassel

A non-discriminatory, gender-equal and family-friendly university is the goal of the university's new Equal Opportunity Plan. The plan, which was adopted by the Presidential Board in agreement with the Senate, is now available online.

The Gender Equality Plan was developed by a working group in 2017. It is valid for the years 2018 to 2023 and brings together for the first time existing concepts and initiatives in the areas of gender equality, diversity and family friendliness. In the coming years, the focus will be on anchoring equality sustainably, expanding activities in the area of diversity and anti-discrimination, and intensifying processes of cultural change.

The Equality Plan is based on the fields of action
-     Organizational development and university culture
-     Gender- and diversity-appropriate personnel development and promotion of junior staff
-     Promotion of women and equal opportunities
-     Reconciliation of family and career or studies
-     Gender and diversity as a subject in research and teaching.

The University of Kassel aims to achieve a near gender parity in the composition of young academics and a 30 percent share of women in the area of professorships and in management bodies by the end of 2023. The Equal Opportunity Plan provides for a new appointment quota for professorships of 37 percent. This will achieve the 30 percent female quota. An annual increase of two percent is to be achieved for female STEM students. More women will be targeted for positions in the pay scale where they are underrepresented.

Numerous measures in the various fields of action are intended to help achieve the goals set. These include measures for the advancement of women in science, the improvement of working conditions in the secretarial and clerical areas, the increase of the proportion of women in the MINT subjects, as well as measures and offers in the area of compatibility of family and career/studies and gender and diversity as an object in research, teaching, administration and everyday life.

You can find the equality plan here: