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04/13/2019 | Campus-Meldung

Offerings: Career prospects for students

Since many degree programs do not offer clear career prospects on their own, the university's Career Service wants to support students again in the summer semester of 2019 with a series of events to help them get started in their careers.

Image: Rüffert.

The upcoming dates:

On May 8, from 2 to 4 p.m., the lecture "My way into an internship" will be offered, in which the participating departments, the Career Service and the International Office will report on how to find a suitable internship and all the things that need to be taken into account regarding the topic of internships.

On May 9, from 2-5 p.m., the workshop "The hidden job market for humanities graduates" will take place, in which Jens Behrmann from the Career Service will inform participants about the numerous areas in which humanities graduates can work, contrary to all clichés, and how they can find and obtain appropriate jobs. 

On May 14 from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., the event "Strategies and Concepts for Live Communication and Event Marketing" will present another very exciting career field for many. Thereby Giorgos Kalaitzis reports from his practical experience of many years.

Also this year on 16.05. at the university Kassel the firm contact fair Meet takes place again. On 13.05. from 14-17 o'clock Oliver Gall prepares with its ,,Meet application training" for this. In addition, a preparatory webinar for meet will be held the day before meet on May 15 at 4:30 pm.

For more dates, see the university's schedule: or on the Career Services page:


All lectures and workshops will be conducted by lecturers from the field and are suitable for students of all semesters as well as doctoral students and graduates &. Participation is free of charge.

You can register here:



Jens Behrmann
Career Service
Tel.: 0561 8042472
E-Mail: career[at]uni-kassel[dot]de