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Prof. Dr. Ute Knierim appointed to Commission on the Future of Agriculture

Kassel professor expects intensive discussions - first interim report announced for fall 2020

Image: Kassel University

When the German cabinet announced the establishment of the Commission on the Future of Agriculture in early July, reactions were mixed. While some commentators saw the Future Commission as a new hope for agriculture, others wrote of "the usual suspects" meeting there for talks.

Prof. Dr. Ute Knierim also reports mixed feelings about being invited to the Future Commission: "After all, I've already worked on proposals in previous commissions, for example in the Scientific Advisory Council for Agricultural Policy or the so-called Borchert Commission, and I see how little of it has been implemented."

In the end, however, the hope of being able to contribute to actual changes in agricultural policy prevailed. As head of the department of "Farm Animal Ethology and Animal Husbandry" at the University of Kassel (Witzenhausen site), Prof. Knierim has been dealing with the practice of animal husbandry and the possibilities of improving it for many years.

"What we have seen in recent years is a shift in the discussion to the detriment of farmers," says Prof. Knierim. For example, he says, farmers have been left holding the bag for many problems related to animal husbandry. "At the same time, however, farmers naturally orient themselves to the economic and political conditions they find," says Prof. Knierim. Therefore, in her view, it is important to readjust these framework conditions together with all stakeholders.

The first results of the Future Commission are to be published as early as this fall. "What is already clear is that if the framework conditions change fundamentally, farmers must also be supported financially in adapting to the new conditions," says Prof. Knierim. "Against this background, I think the animal welfare levy, which is currently under discussion, is a good idea," the professor explains.  


The Future Commission for Agriculture consists of 31 members. Its chairman is Prof. Dr. Peter Strohschneider, former president of the DFG. The final report is scheduled for early summer 2021. Associations from the agricultural and food industries as well as from environmental, animal and consumer protection are to work together with scientists and the federal ministries in committee meetings to develop recommendations and proposals to enable ecologically and economically sustainable as well as socially compatible agriculture in Germany in the future.


Press contact:

Markus Zens
Tel. 0561 / 804-1961
Mail. markus.