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Youth welfare after the "refugee crisis
In 2015 and 2016, more than 40,000 foreign children and adolescents were taken into care by the youth welfare offices in Germany due to their unaccompanied entry. This poses a particular challenge to the youth welfare system in terms of professional expertise and resources. The speaker will report against the background of their practical experience in the field of "unaccompanied minor aliens (UMA)". The subject will be the legal changes of the past years in the residence and asylum law, the age determination procedure, the distribution of unaccompanied minors in the Federal Republic, assistance for young adults and their social situation.
Moderator: Nicola Behrend (Judge at the Federal Social Court)
Speaker: Dr. Björn Harich (Vice President of the OVG Bremen) and Sabine Scherer (Head of the Youth Department, District of Kassel)