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08/31/2018 | Campus-Meldung

Federal Minister reviews robotics project of the Department of Agricultural Engineering

On August 25 and 26, 2018, the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture hosted an Open House. For two days, interested parties were able to visit an exhibition at the ministry under the motto "Und was gibt's morgen? Agriculture with heart and drone" to visit an exhibition in the ministry of Federal Minister Julia Klöckner. There, the 'MSR-bot' project of the Department of Agricultural Engineering at the University of Kassel was also presented to the Minister.

The exhibited robot prototype demonstrates the possibility of combating slug damage in arable farming using an autonomously driving vehicle with online slug detection through digital image analysis ('machine vision'). The three-year research project will continue to be funded until 2019 as part of the innovation program of the German Federal Agency for Agriculture and Food (BLE) and includes further innovative research questions. For example, slugs found are not only combated but also mapped, so that the robot is able to recognize hotspots in the field and subsequently target them. In combination with continuous route optimization, this ensures the effectiveness of the control and achieves a high impact.