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University of Kassel launches Energy Transition Charter
The charter recognizes the need for active climate protection and a transformation of the current energy system and formulates concrete goals for the energy transition in North Hesse. It appeals to North Hessian actors who are essential shapers of the energy transition through their innovative and investment power. The energy turnaround in North Hesse has the objective that existing energy resources are used more efficiently and that the supply of energy in the area of electricity and heat is gradually converted to renewable sources.
In various regional strategy rounds, different actors from politics, business and civil society wanted a common North Hessian formulation of goals, in order to go the last third on the way to a successful energy transition. The project "Process Design Energy Transition North Hesse" of the Department of Economics with a focus on decentralized energy management at the University of Kassel (Prof. Dr. Heike Wetzel) has taken up this wish of the stakeholders and launched an Energy Transition Charter for North Hesse.
Adopted by the Supervisory Board of the Regional Management North Hesse, the five district councils and other responsible persons from the economy and politics of North Hesse, among others, have committed themselves to the Charter. The main addressees are the North Hessian municipalities, companies, associations or other organizations that want to make their commitment to climate protection visible by signing the charter.
The charter was developed and agreed upon by stakeholders in North Hesse as part of the project "Process Design Energy Transition North Hesse". The project has a duration of three years and is funded by the cdw Foundation and the Hessian Ministry of Economics, Energy, Transport and Regional Development.
Further information can be found on the project homepage:
Registration and information about m Zukunftsforum Energiewende here:
Dr. Christina Grebe
University of Kassel
Department of Economics with a focus on decentralized energy management
Tel.: 0561 - 804 7947