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12/05/2018 | Campus-Meldung

Bachelor MINT with orientation phase: New and unique in Hesse

A bachelor's degree program "Bachelor of Science plusMINT" is being established at the University of Kassel with nine areas of specialization, which is scheduled to start in the winter semester 2019/20. This program will consist of a two-semester orientation phase and a standard period of study of eight or nine semesters, depending on the chosen focus.

A seamless transition into the emphasis program is ensured because only non-admission majors are considered. The nine areas of concentration are: Mathematics, Computer Science, Physics, Mechatronics, Electrical Engineering, Nanostructure Science, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering and Environmental Engineering.

With the new orientation study program, students in Hesse can spend one to two semesters trying out which major best meets their own expectations and desires. The introduction of the study program was announced today (5. 12.) by Science Minister Boris Rhein in the plenary session of the Hessian Parliament. The Hessian Ministry of Science and Art supports the introduction financially.

"Those who know the contents of a course of study from their own experience can make a more informed decision and then usually study more contentedly, purposefully and successfully. This is particularly valuable in the exciting and promising, but also demanding MIINT degree programs," says Vice President Prof. Dr. René Matzdorf.