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FUSION lecture: "Nostalgia"

Topic on 23.01.: "Nostalgia" with Florian Fischer, Reem Almannai (Almannai Fischer Architekten, Munich) and Erik Wegerhoff (ETH Zurich)



The Fusion series deals with the topic of concrete in the 2018/19 winter semester. Scientists, planners and designers will be invited in public intervals to report on their work with a special focus on their position on architecture, city and landscape and to discuss it with the guests. The lectures are open to the public and always take place on Wednesdays from 7 to 9 pm in the ASL building, Universitätsplatz 9, room 0106. Admission is free.

Concrete fascinates, concrete polarizes, concrete is loved and hated at the same time. Without the use of concrete, many of our projects would not be possible.

Even for Roman master builders, the "opus caementitium" played a decisive role in the realization of large buildings and technical structures. Since the ingenious invention of Joseph Monier, generations of engineers and architects have succumbed to the special properties of this material. The exhibition "SOS Brutalism" at the DAM, Frankfurt/Main  recently presented  an international   survey of the urban planning and architectural highlights of building with concrete that have been realized worldwide since the designs of  Alison and Peter Smithson in the early 1960s.

Long frowned upon, dismissed by the public and politicians as a building sin and replaced in many places by naïve reconstructions, the material is now experiencing a veritable renaissance. A young generation of artists, architects and planners are rediscovering the creative and constructive properties of the material. But what is the fascinating aspect of concrete and have its areas of application and possibilities in large housing estates, building sculpture and civil engineering not already been exhausted? FUSION, the lecture series at the Department of Architecture, Urban Planning and Landscape Planning at the University of Kassel, is exploring these and other questions about "gray gold" this semester - as always on Wednesdays at 7 pm.


An overview of all lectures can be found in the attached program.