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9th Congress for Psychodynamic Coaching

Feb. 22: 5-8 p.m.
Feb. 23: 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.


In February, the 9th Psychodynamic Coaching Congress will be held in Kassel, Germany. The topic: neuroscientific perspectives in coaching.

Neuroscience is booming and consequently making its way into newer coaching concepts. The congress will focus on the questions "which concepts and methods have a proven effect and make sense from a neuroscientific perspective for which coaching concerns". Keynote speakers Prof. Dr. Dr. Gerhard Roth (Professor of Behavioral Physiology and Developmental Neurobiology at the University of Bremen), Klaus Eidenschink (Coach and Coach Trainer, Hephaistos) and Dr. Maja Storch (Institute for Self-Management and Motivation Zurich) will comment on the effectiveness of neuroscience-based coaching, among other topics. Workshops will also provide insight into specific approaches to coaching.


More information in the attached flyer.
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