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02/05/2019 | Campus-Meldung

Third Mathematical Researchers' Day on February 28th

On Thursday, February 28, the third mathematical researcher day will take place at the University of Kassel. Mathematics students will test new teaching methods together with 200 schoolchildren from elementary schools in the city of Kassel.

Image: University of Kassel.

Children from eight different school classes come to the university (AVZ location) for one morning (9:00-12:00) together with their teachers. After a joint welcome in the lecture hall (0282), tandems of two and three students each take over a group of children.

In the context of the subject didactic seminar "Heterogeneity in Mathematics Teaching in Elementary School" under the direction of Prof. Rathgeb-Schnierer, students developed eleven different learning opportunities, which they will try out on February 28, 2019 with about 200 elementary school children from the city of Kassel (Schule am Heideweg, Dorothea-Viehmann-Schule, Valentin-Traudt-Schule, Reformschule).

With such small groups of about 18 children, the students work on the prepared open learning opportunities for a period of two hours. The children document their solutions and procedures in research notebooks, which are evaluated by the students at a later time. Afterwards, the children receive their research notebooks back, as well as a certificate commemorating the day.

The classroom teachers use the day for observation.

The goal is to prepare the students for their future roles as elementary school teachers and to allow them to encounter a diverse and heterogeneous student body at this early stage.



Ms. Tanja Röll (pedagogical assistant)
University of Kassel
Department 10 Mathematics
Tel.: +49  0 561 804-4621
E-Mail: troell[at]mathematik.uni-kassel[dot]de