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06/05/2019 | Campus-Meldung

Annette Bertsch becomes honorary professor in the product design course of studies

Since 2010, Annette Johanna Bertsch has taught design management at the Kunsthochschule, University of Kassel. The university is now honoring her extensive commitment to teaching by awarding her an honorary professorship in June 2019.

Image: Marie Bertsch.
Annette Bertsch

Annette Bertsch is one of those who have established the field of design management in Germany since 1989 and defined it as a professional field. Through her lecturing activities in the product design course, she has provided numerous designers with access to systematic design management and anchored the subject in the department. With her position, she expands the spectrum of teaching, which traditionally tends to be dominated by design practice and theoretical positions.

Annette Bertsch's portfolio includes an enormous range of projects, both in the field of corporate design and strategic brand consulting. These include new and repositioning, strategy and CEO consulting for renowned companies and institutions.

As an entrepreneur and art director, she has over 30 years of consulting experience for DAX, M-DAX, medium-sized companies and start-ups.

Annette Bertsch studied industrial design at the Saarland University of Applied Sciences in Saarbrücken from 1982 to 1985 and at the University of Applied Sciences in Darmstadt from 1985 to 1988, graduating with a degree in design. In 2008 she obtained a Master of Business Administration at the FOM, Frankfurt am Main.

As a managing entrepreneur, Annette Bertsch works in numerous functions: as a consultant in the field of brand strategy, positioning, continuous brand management and development of corporate identity; as a facilitator of client-internal processes for the development of communication strategies as well as in the organization and supervision of design processes.

With her numerous contacts in the industry, she provides students with access to company owners, top managers as well as internationally active designers. Thus, the preparation for everyday professional life taught by Annette Bertsch provides an important interface for students in product design.



Cigdem Özdemir
University of Art and Design
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