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Welcome breakfast winter semester 2019/20

The University of Kassel invites all new students and doctoral candidates to a welcome breakfast on October 12, 2019 between 9:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. in the Zentralmensa at Holländischer Platz!
During the breakfast, you will have the opportunity to make initial contact with the department and the various facilities at the University of Kassel. Contact persons from the student councils, the AStA, the Studentenwerk, the IT Service Center, the International Student Center, the Welcome Centre and the General Student Advisory Service will be present.
Please register in advance at:
A contribution of approx. 4.50 euros is required for catering, which will be paid on site.
Welcome Breakfast
The University of Kassel invites all new students and doctoral candidates on 12 October 2019 between 09.30 and 12.30 o'clock for a welcome breakfast in the main cafeteria (Zentralmensa) at Holländischer Platz!