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Lecture: Actually closing time: How extended accessibility affects recovery, well-being and work engagement

Lecture in the current ITeG ring lecture "Digital society - a design task".

The introduction and spread of digital and mobile information and communication technologies (ICT) is having a formative influence on the world of work. Many workplaces are hardly imaginable without computers/laptops/tablets, Internet access and smartphones. Digital technologies are laying the foundation for the progressive spatial and temporal dissolution of work, significantly changing today's working conditions and influencing not only working time and place, but also the content and organization of work. The extended accessibility of employees can be examined from two directions: As accessibility for concerns of gainful employment during leisure time and as accessibility during work for concerns of family and leisure time. This presentation will address advantages and disadvantages of work-related accessibility during leisure time, with a particular focus on the role of unfinished tasks, as well as present research that focuses on the opposite direction-extended availability for concerns of family and leisure during paid work.

Presenters: Prof. Dr. Christine Syrek / Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences

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