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Do cows make (agricultural) history? Change and diversity in human-animal relations since the 18th century
How does our perspective on the intensification of agricultural animal husbandry change when we perceive farm animals as social actors? The so-called agricultural revolution of the 18th century looks different when we consider the actions of animals within peasant-village agriculture. New relationships also emerged as a result of agricultural reforms, for example between farmers and dairy cows, which were used for the first time to work in the fields. In the highly intensified animal husbandry of the 20th century, cows were asked to help keep the barn clean in the then-new cubicle barns. Then in the 21st century, cows are expected to independently seek out milking robots. However, looking at the change and diversity of different historical human-animal relationships also allows us to think about other ways of living together.
Lecture by Jadon Nisly (Bamberg)