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ITeG lecture series : "It's the incentives, stupid! Strategic constitutional complaints against state trojans: How the GFF fights for legal incentives in favor of IT security"
About the presentation:
The level of IT security in Germany leaves a lot to be desired. This is not least due to the wrong incentives: the legal framework in
Germany gives authorities little reason to consistently report security vulnerabilities to manufacturers. At the same time, manufacturers have too few financial
incentives to consistently invest in more security. The presentation presents the current incentive systems for manufacturers of
manufacturers of information technology and government agencies and shows perspectives on how more IT security could be ensured with small tweaks to the right
IT security can be achieved by making small adjustments. The Gesellschaft für Freiheitsrechte (Society for Civil Liberties) is making a contribution in this regard.
The Society for Civil Liberties wants to use strategic lawsuits to persuade the federal and state governments to create an IT security-oriented legal framework for dealing with security vulnerabilities.
With Dr. Ulf Buermeyer on IT security in Germany