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Communication School for doctoral candidates, postdocs and Master's students

The current situation of the COVID-19 pandemic highlights the need for communicating scientists to inform citizens and advise politicians. Citizens are particularly interested in scientific findings and demand comprehensible answers to complex questions when information affects their everyday lives.

The Communication School supports young scientists in strengthening their skills in science communication and helps them to become communicators themselves. The one-week further qualification program offers the opportunity to choose three key areas of communication from nine workshops and to develop your own communication concept.

Target group: PhD students, postdocs, Master's students in the final phase
Duration: Monday - Friday
Structure: Selection of three workshops from nine workshops on offer (2× two-day, 1× one-day); presentation of own research as part of a final event.
Costs: 150,- € (young academics of the University of Kassel); 1250,- € (non-members of the University of Kassel)

Information flyer Communication School

Further information and registration:


Gianna Dalfuß
+49 561 804 2427

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