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Online training: With open cards

Maps and images that we use are always (only) abstractions and sections of reality. They highlight one thing and bring it into our view, while they hide other things. Both training sessions are about understanding what this means for educational practice. What can representations do and what can they perhaps not do? Which (world) images do we pass on in school lessons and extracurricular educational work? To what extent do we address the limited perspectives and excerpts?


Date 1: Colonial continuities (11.02.21)
The colonial era was a long time ago, but it is far from being reappraised. Its traces are clearly visible in our everyday life, be it in the economy and in our consumer behavior, be it in development cooperation or in the images in our heads. We look at these traces and especially at images and representations that we use quite naturally, without realizing that we may be reproducing stereotypes and prejudices.

2nd date: Cartography and the critique of it (25.02.21)
We deal with maps and explore the question whether maps can really be neutral representations of reality, as
they are treated and to what extent our view of the world and other "cultures" are shaped by maps.


The events will take place digitally and are aimed at teachers, student teachers and other interested parties. Both dates stand alone and can be attended independently. To register, contact: 
Eva-Maria Kohlmann

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