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INCHER Brown-bag-lunch: Academic misfits/misfits in academia - A brief overview of research
Dr. Christian Johann Schmid (INCHER, University of Kassel):
They also exist in academia: outsiders, marginalized, marginalized, border crossers, anti-heroes, heterodox, heretics, dissidents, strangers, eccentrics, etc. We are talking about "social figures of deviation", as pointedly summarized by "Academic Misfits/Misfits in Academia". This lecture will focus precisely on such non-conformist and/or non-conformist academics and their (deviant) careers in academia. For other areas of society, deviants have already been well identified in their various social manifestations, functions and consequences. In the self-observation and self-thematization of the higher education and science system, they are largely ignored by researchers, merely addressed anecdotally or supposedly tabooed.
The lectures are planned as hybrid events. Attendance and Zoom participation only after prior registration ( You will receive the dial-in information shortly before the respective lectures. The Corona regulations of the University of Kassel apply to attendance.