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02/04/2022 | Pressemitteilung

Study and practice under the umbrella of the university: New computer science offer

Practical training or theoretical studies - a question for many at the end of their school years. At the University of Kassel, both can now be combined in one place in the field of computer science.

Image: Blafield.
Study and practice under the roof of the university - that offers many advantages.

The university has now advertised two positions for a bachelor's degree with practical components and a fixed training salary in accordance with the collective agreement. The application deadline is February 28, and the hiring date is August 1, 2022.

During the semester, students will study in the traditional way. In the first four semesters, students take basic courses in practical, technical and theoretical computer science and mathematics. After that, they adapt their studies to their own interests by taking elective modules. During the lecture-free period, practical phases take place at the university's IT Service Center (ITS). The fifth semester is completed there entirely as a longer practical stay. After seven semesters, students complete their studies with a Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) degree. The prospects of a transfer to the ITS team are very good.

The offer is new and unusual for a university: Although there are numerous dual study programs at universities that also combine study and practice, the practical part usually takes place in a company, not in the university administration. "We, too, have long offered such cooperations with companies in the region," explains Dr. Oliver Fromm, chancellor of the university. At the same time, he adds, the University of Kassel has been training students for a long time. "We have a need for junior staff, we have the best training structures in ITS and we have an excellent computer science program in the department - so it's actually obvious to combine both to offer a degree program with practical components under one roof." 

The idea for this offer came about as part of an internal university survey of ideas and opportunities for improvement, the so-called organizational climate process.

The full job posting can be found here:


Iris Happel
University of Kassel
Department of Human Resources and Organization
Head of Training
Email: ausbildung[at]uni-kassel[dot]de
Tel: 0561 804-3204