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Conversations on contemporary art: experiences with an exhibition (Julia Voss & Heinz Bude)

Series of talks at the teaching and research station on Lutherplatz in Kassel.

Art that aims at the present inevitably has to do with the sometimes rather poisoned relationships between art, politics and society. Against this backdrop, the talks explore the early entanglements of documenta, but also pose the question of how contemporary art positions itself in today's world of global conflict. What can and should art do in the face of the pandemic and war?

The discussion series "Conversations on Contemporary Art" is a cooperation between TRACES and the documenta Institute (03.05.2022 to 20.09.2022, Tuesdays, 6 to 8 pm).

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The Transdisciplinary Research Center for Exhibition Studies (TRACES), founded in autumn 2019, bundles the existing interdisciplinary research on documenta and exhibition studies at the Kunsthochschule Kassel/University of Kassel. It is thus a nationally and internationally unique institution for exhibition research.

About the documenta Institute
The documenta Institute is a cooperation between the State of Hesse, the City of Kassel, documenta und Museum Fridericianum gGmbH and the University of Kassel with the Kunsthochschule, with financial support for the building project from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media. Professor Dr. Heinz Bude was appointed founding director in 2020. www.

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