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Vernissage: ADAS - Autopsy of the car-friendly city

In many major German cities, large inner-city traffic areas were newly created in the course of reconstruction measures after the Second World War. From today's perspective, it is difficult to comprehend that these infrastructures and the accompanying destruction of evolved urban spaces were understood - and socially accepted - as sensible interventions in their time of creation.

The exhibition shows nine well-known examples such as the North-South Road in Cologne, the East-West Road in Hamburg, the City Ring in Hanover or the elevated roads in the centers of Ludwigshafen and Bremen, some of whose historical genesis goes back to the 1910s. It becomes clear that these are representative spaces of the post-war society, with important cultural buildings and new functions of the then emerging service society. A video installation conveys impressions of today's situation.

A third section is devoted to Holländischer Platz in Kassel, whose car-oriented conversion cut off the university campus and the adjacent street spaces from the city center. Concrete projects exemplify how to deal with the legacy of the car-friendly city - and initiate a comprehensive improvement of the situation.


Wed May 4 - Wed May 25, 2022 // 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Stefan Rettich - Department Urban Design


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