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CAMPUS FESTIVAL #unikasselweltoffen | Postcard campaign | From Kassel to the world

Woohoo. Finally Campus Fest again.

International Office | #unikasselweltoffen | Postcard campaign | From Kassel to the world |

Openness to the world is very important at the University of Kassel: Every year, more than 500 Kassel students gain study experience abroad, while at the same time more than 3000 international students enrich our campus life in Kassel. They have taken out their cameras for us under the motto #unikasselweltoffen - You can not only admire the best photos while enjoying an exotic smoothie at our stand, but even send them all over the world as a postcard free of charge! Would you like to go abroad yourself as a student or employee of the University of Kassel? You will find all the information you need here.

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