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Presentation of the Nora Platiel Prize 2022 in Fulda

Award of the Nora Platiel Prize 2022 for outstanding Master's theses in the field of social law and social policy. Awarded by the Verein zur Förderung von Forschung und Wissenstransfer in Sozialrecht und Sozialpolitik e.V. and the Forschungsverbund für Sozialrecht und Sozialpolitik(FoSS) of Fulda University of Applied Sciences and the University of Kassel.

--> Greetings by Prof. Dr. Gamze Güzel-Freudenstein (Fulda University of Applied Sciences | Deputy Chairwoman of the Association)
--> Laudatory speech by Dr. h.c. Peter Masuch (President of the BSG, ret.)
--> Speeches by this year's award winners Nila Halimi and Christina Janßen (both from the cooperative Master's degree program "Social Law and Social Economy (LL.M.)" at the University of Kassel and Fulda University of Applied Sciences)

This will be followed by a get-together with a champagne reception.

Info: katharina.weyrich[at]uni-kassel[dot]de

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