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INCHER Brown-bag Seminar: Encouraging or mandating the policy on data and replication: Evidence among economic journals (Dr. Katarina Zigova with Thomas Hinz).

Dr. Katarina Zigova (INCHER, University of Kassel) with Tho­ mas Hinz:
En­cou­ra­ging or man­da­ ting the po­li­cy on da­ta and re­pli­ca­ ti ­on: Evi­dence among eco­no­mic jour­ nals

In my talk I place the student movement of 1968 in West-Germany and the higher education policy of the decade in the context of the Cold War. I would like to argue that while the student movement of 1968 had an impact on the transformation of universities, it was neither the only nor the all-determining factor of the changes that took place. For one thing, '1968' seems to have been only one part of a liberalization movement that began considerably earlier in time and prepared the ground for many of the demands of '1968' to actually be implemented in the late 1960s and early 1970s. On the other hand, there is some evidence to suggest that actions such as sit-ins masked much more impactful long-term developments in higher education, the effects of which are basically still being felt today. These long-term developments, which to a certain extent took place on the backstage of the protest events, include in particular the growing interest of numerous political actors in the field of higher education policy since the early 1960s. It was here that what we today call higher education policy developed in West Germany - and caused fierce conflicts with the universities. The emergence of the field of higher education policy leads deep into the context of the Cold War and onto the international stage: spurred by World War II, a new rationality began to emerge that had a significant impact on the way science and higher education and their possible reform were thought about.

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The lectures are planned as hybrid events. Attendance and Zoom participation only after prior registration(koch[at]incher.uni-kassel[dot]de). You will receive dial-in information close to the time of the respective lectures.

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