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"Apocalypse & Apathy" Climate Thinking Lecture Series: A Tibetan Buddhist Perspective.
The Climate Thinking project was founded in 2019 as a research and teaching focus at the University of Kassel and formed as an IAG (Interdisciplinary Working Group) in 2022.
The focus is on the development of transdisciplinary approaches to cultural and social contexts in which the problem complexes of climate crisis and sustainability are talked about, told about and thought about .
Lecture Series 2022 / 23: "Apocalypse and Apathy. Handlungs(un)fähigkeit im Kontext des Klimawandels":
Contrary to the assumption that global climate change is a purely scientific problem, climate change should not only be considered as a natural phenomenon, but also in its complex cultural and social contexts. For although anthropogenic climate change has been shaping socio-political discourse for decades - triggered not least by the environmental movement of the 1960s - social awareness nevertheless does not seem to be sufficient for more far-reaching changes in lifestyle habits, which have so far rendered us as a society incapable of responding to the problem. In the context of the lecture series, these habits and perceptions will not only be investigated, but the vicious circle of excessive demands, apathy and resignation will also be examined. Against the backdrop of the humanities and cultural studies, the focus will always be on the question of how climate change is talked about, told and thought about.
Lecture on November 23:
Counteracting Climate Change with Determined Efforts? A Tibetan Buddhist Perspective
Rolf Scheuermann, University of Heidelberg (Tibetology)
The lectures always take place on Wednesdays between 8 and 10 p.m. in the Campus Center, Lecture Hall 3, and can be followed simultaneously at Zoom(for digital participation via Zoom).