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INCHER colloquium: More hype than substance? How university public relations affect university third-party funding.

Dr. Holger Graf (Faculty of Economics, Friedrich Schiller University Jena):
Mo­re hype than sub­stan­ce? How uni­ver­si­ty pu­blic re­la­ti­ons af­fect uni­ver­si­ty third-par­ty fun­ ding.

University third party funding is increasingly perceived as a means to enhance innovation through collaboration, knowledge transfer and exchange. Little research attention has been devoted to the strategies pursued by universities to signal their attractiveness as a research partner. Besides being excellent across all three university missions, universities need to effectively communicate science and technology. In this paper, we are interested if substance (research excellence) and hype (press releases) are complements or substitutes in attracting third party funding from different sources. We assess this relationship empirically for a panel of 70 German universities over a period of 20 years.

The presentations are planned as hybrid events. For Zoom participation please register(koch[at]incher.uni-kassel[dot]de).
You will receive dial-in information close to the time of the respective lectures.

For attendance, the Corona regulations of the University of Kassel apply.

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