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Screening: "Actually January" - A film by Jan Peters
As a report from the research semester, Jan Peters shows his new film "Eigentlich eigentlich Januar" (2022, 100 minutes, color and b/w). Jan Peters had worked on this film during his teaching release in the winter semester 2019/20, at that time still under the title "January, 1 - 31".
For the film, he took a bag - filled with unexposed analog film material, some of which had been overlaid for a long time - as an opportunity to expose a three-minute roll of 16mm or Super 8 film every day for a month. In addition to the small everyday and the large political, he is primarily concerned with the question of the image: from Nanouk to Apocalypse now to the experimental film group Schmelzdahin , film history is questioned as well as one's own family images and history(s). In addition to the question of who takes which pictures when, with which equipment, by whom and for whom, isn't it just as important which adhesives are subsequently used to glue them where? All 31 film reels that make up "Actually January" are provided with a commentary. are provided with a commentary that immerses the viewer in the filmmaker's associative flow of thoughts, which is always abruptly interrupted in mid-sentence with the end of each reel.
"Eigentlich eigentlich Januar" premiered at the Duisburg Filmwoche and after the screening in Kassel will also be shown at Kino im Sprengel in Hannover (13.01.23) and at the Stuttgart Filmwinter (15.01.23).
Trailer and further information about the film:
Date & Location
11.01.23, 18:30 h
in the screening room Film and Moving Image (R 0232 in the Atrium)