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ABGESAGT: Rethinking Internationalization? The Contribution of Specialized Communicative Research and Education to the Academic Success of International Students

How can the number of international students at universities be increased and their academic success ensured? The answer to this question of higher education policy concerns representatives of research and teaching alike. Empirical studies of internationalization processes suggest that the language and cultural competence of international students is indispensable for ensuring their academic success. This development of language and cultural competence is based on the findings of research into technical communication and the didactics of technical language, which provide a theoretical foundation for the teaching of German as a technical and academic language. The conference at the ISZ of the University of Kassel would like to show the impulses from research for the practice of internationalization . We would like to bring all interested actors of internationalization in higher education into an interdisciplinary exchange.

In the context of the conference workshops

"Internationalization in higher education: increasing student numbers and ensuring student success, but how?"


"Subject-specific interculturality: clash of cultures or untapped potential?"

will discuss best practice examples of strategic handling of internationalization challenges.

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