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Lecture Series FUSION 2023: From urban heat island to climate change adapted city (inaugural lecture).
FUSION SoSe 2023 | The Kassel Model: Reform of Design Education - Yesterday and Tomorrow
This year, the Department of Architecture - Urban Planning - Landscape Planning at the University of Kassel celebrates its 50th founding anniversary. This is an occasion to look back and to look forward. While a series of exhibitions is dedicated to exemplary retrospectives, the lecture series FUSION in the summer semester 2023 combines these retrospectives with outlooks: What were the reform approaches of the 1970s and what do they tell us today? What innovations in design education address important challenges of today?
June 7: Lecture by Prof. Dr. Britta Jänicke (Department of ASL, University of Kassel) - From the urban heat island to the climate change adapted city (inaugural lecture).
The lecture will take place in presence and will be digitally transmitted. More info at: