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Statement on the memorial service for Yousef Shaban

Yousef Shaban is a graduate of the university who was recently killed in hostilities in the Gaza Strip. The university management had agreed to a group of fellow students' request for a public memorial service, but on the condition that there would be no political rally. This had been assured by the organizers. Under these conditions, University President Prof. Dr. Ute Clement had agreed to speak a few words of remembrance. However, the organizers broke this agreement. The event was then ended after repeated requests.
The university management is convinced that no one-sided apportionment of blame is possible in this centuries-old conflict. Any NS comparisons are out of the question.
In principle and independently of this event, the university management is convinced that neither Israel's right to exist nor the Palestinians' right to their own state should be called into question. Any form of anti-Semitism and Islamophobia is to be rejected, as is any form of terrorism.