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University and art academy take part in Dokfest

The 40th edition of the documentary film festival features the following program items with the support of the university:
DO. 16.11. | 10:00 | BALI (+Online)
#5 DokfestCampus: The Color of Truth
#5 DokfestCampus:The Color of Truth
In cooperation with: University of Kassel, Department of Political Theory
DO 16.11. / 12:00 / GLORIA (+Online)
27 Storeys
Bianca Gleissinger AT, DE 2023 / 82 min.
In cooperation with:
University of Kassel / Faculty of Architecture, Urban and Landscape Planning / Institute of Architecture / Department of Architecture City Economy
MI 15.11. / 17:00 / FILMLADEN
De Facto
Selma Doborac AT, DE 2023 / 130 min.
Note: Thematization of sexualized violence
In cooperation with:
University of Kassel / Faculty of Humanities and Cultural Studies / Institute of German Studies / Department of Modern German Literature / Media Studies
FR 17.11. / 10:00 / GLORIA (+Online)
Forever Sunday
Steven Vit CH 2022 / 86 min.
SO 19.11. / 21:45 / FILMLADEN (+Online)
Angie Vinchito RU 2022 / 68 min
Note: Thematization of violence
In cooperation with: University of Kassel / Institute of Psychology / Department of Developmental Psychology
SA 18.11. / 12:00 / GLORIA
Helke Sander: Aufräumen
Claudia Richarz DE 2023 / 82 min.
SA 18.11. / 20:00 / BALI (+Online)
KURZFILM | #20 Between Light and Nowhere
In cooperation with: University of Kassel / Interdisciplinary Working Group Women's and Gender Studies
FR 17.11. / 19:30 / FILMLADEN (+Online)
Le vrai du faux [The Other Profile]
Armel Hostiou FR 2023 / 82 min.
In cooperation with: kassel postkolonial
The School of Art and Design Kassel is also represented with strong contributions. Further information can be found here: