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Plants of love - hands-on seminar for adults in the Witzenhausen Tropical Greenhouse

Would you like to work together with others, learn something new and discuss an exciting topic? Perhaps we have found the right framework for this with this hands-on seminar. Our idea is to learn from and with each other and get active in the process. A varied program awaits you!

A cooperation project of the Tropical Greenhouse of the University of Kassel with Bildung trifft Entwicklung, Göttingen, Bildungszentrum WeltGarten Witzenhausen and Bündnis für Familie der Stadt Witzenhausen

We will bridge the gap between mythology, empirical knowledge and science, art and cultural history. We begin with a tour of the tropical house, taking a journey through the history of love plants from different cultures. There we will encounter plants both familiar and unfamiliar: plants where love goes through the stomach and plants with seductive scents. We will also burn incense with plant parts and make scented balls and bath additives. We take an artistic and creative approach to the plants of love in everyday life in a collage of pictures and dried plant parts. During the breaks, there will of course be suitable delicacies and time to exchange ideas with each other.

In times gone by, people were advised to take aphrodisiacs to rekindle the embers when the first fire of love had gone out - and today? How about chocolate? We come across cocoa on our tour of the tropical greenhouse. It contains phenylethylamine, a substance produced by the brain when you are freshly in love. But perhaps we just need a vitalizing rejuvenating agent from the root bark of cotton? Or sufficient relaxation after a hard day's work? But will the love spell of kola nut, hot ginger and invigorating coconut work if the atmosphere is not right?

Aphrodite, the goddess of love, beauty and sensual desire, gave her name to aphrodisiacs, i.e. substances that are said to promote love and that have been around for centuries worldwide and in every culture. Our event spans the herbal spectrum from sensual fragrances to "pungent" spices in love feasts and love-enhancing drinks.

In the plant kingdom, flowers attract pollinators with their fragrances and we humans also perceive many scents as seductive and irresistible. "I like to play with my wife when her scent is vanilla", confessed the infatuated men of the Lacandon people in Mexico. No wonder, since the scent of vanilla is chemically related to the scents that we humans exude when we are sexually aroused. Apparently our ancestors also suspected this, as they used vanilla to combat sexual exhaustion centuries ago!

The old saying"The way to the heart is through the stomach" is also based on thousands of years of experience, because food and sensuality have a lot to do with each other. We talk about recipes with (male) strengthening ingredients such as coconut, tequila (only the one with the worm) and with "hot" and "spicy" spices. Many love plants enhance sexual sensations by promoting blood flow, accelerating blood circulation, stimulating brain activity or irritating the urinary tract.

With alternative practitioner and agricultural engineer Ines Fehrmann.


Cost: €90 incl. coffee breaks and materials
Please register by February 3, 2024 on 05542-72812.


Further information
Tropengewächshaus University of Kassel
Steinstraße 19, 37213 Witzenhausen
Tel.: 05542-981231 Email: tropengewaechshaus[at]uni-kassel[dot]de

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