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08/23/2024 | Campus-Meldung

Kassel team wins Robocup Junior World Championship

The "Bio Brause" team, which was supervised by the University of Kassel, took first place in the "Maze" category at the Robocup Junior World Championships.

Image: Andreas Scheel.
Ludwig Hübner, Ben Reichel and Moritz Lück won a total of three tournaments against numerous international teams.

Ludwig Hübner (18), Ben Reichel (19) and Moritz Lück (17) successfully beat the international competition in a total of three tournaments - the qualifying tournament, the German Championship and finally the World Championship in Eindhoven in the Netherlands.

With the support of Andreas Scheel, an employee of the University of Kassel, the team developed an autonomous robot that mastered a series of complex tasks in the competition. In a labyrinth that simulated a disaster scenario, the robot had to track down injured people, drop aid packages and overcome obstacles. Special sensors and 3D mapping enabled the team's robot to master these challenges with ease.

The Faculty of Electrical Engineering/Computer Science at the University of Kassel traditionally supports students taking part in the Robocup qualification tournament with vacation workshops. Even after the qualification, the team continued to receive professional guidance and support from Andreas Scheel.

Next year, "Bio Brause" plans to compete in the "Rescue Line" category. The aim here will once again be to develop a robot that can overcome obstacles and master complex tasks.



Andreas Scheel

Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Phone: +49 561 804-6530

Email: robocup[at]uni-kassel[dot]de