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09/16/2024 | Campus-Meldung

Congress on Music Education at the University of Kassel

Under the motto "#musik bleibt" (#music remains), the Federal Association of Music Teaching is holding its national congress at the University of Kassel from September 25. 200 experts and around 1,500 participants will discuss the future of music teaching.

Image of a sheet of music.Image: Sonja Rode.
"For the University of Kassel and the Institute of Music in particular, this is a special opportunity to present itself as an attractive place to study."

The congress will open on Wednesday, September 25 at the Institute of Music and continue until September 29 at various locations in the city of Kassel. Lecturers from the university will participate in the program with workshops. Participation in all program items is free of charge for Kassel students.

Prof. Dr. Susanne Dreßler, Professor of Music Education, welcomes the participants to Kassel: "This is a special opportunity for the University of Kassel and especially for the Institute of Music to present itself as an attractive place to study. Music is not only lived here at the Institute of Music, but also on the entire campus in a variety of ways. The conference's focus on sustainability also touches on a central aspect of the University of Kassel's mission statement. These two aspects - musical diversity and living sustainability - are a perfect match for this year's Federal Congress on Music Education. We are looking forward to hosting it."

The congress comprises around 400 individual events ranging from seminars and lectures to concerts. Publishers and music providers will also be presenting themselves. The complete program can be found at

At the University of Kassel, it is possible to study music as a teacher for all types of schools, and since last year the university has also been offering a Master's degree in music publishing. A total of around 200 students were enrolled on a music degree course last winter semester.