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International Law in the Middle East Conflict: Between Apology and Utopia
Speaker: Armaghan Naghipour, lawyer, Anwältinnen ohne Grenzen e.V., Berlin
The event explores the question of what role international law plays in the current Middle East conflict. Does it ultimately only serve to enforce the power interests of states? Or can international law also effectively limit state power interests?
After an introduction to the general questions of international law by Andreas Fischer-Lescano, Armaghan Naghipour's lecture will present national court proceedings that have been conducted against the Federal Republic of Germany since October 7, 2023 to prohibit the export of weapons of war to Israel.
According to the German War Weapons Control Act, no war weapons may be supplied to states if the Federal Republic of Germany thereby violates its obligations under international law. Germany has entered into several obligations under international law that prohibit the export of weapons of war if there is a risk that war crimes will be committed. Nevertheless, the German government continues to supply arms to Israel, even though numerous reports by the UN and various human rights organizations as well as decisions by the International Court of Justice and the International Criminal Court prove that Israel is committing war crimes and serious human rights violations in the current Middle East conflict.
Kristina Dietz will moderate the event.