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Book launch: The coldest of all cold monsters - Approaches to an intersectional theory of the state
The Department of Political Theory invites you to the book presentation and discussion of "Das kälteste aller kalten Ungeheuer - Annäherungen an eine intersektionale Staatstheorie" (ed. Gundula Ludwig & Birgit Sauer).
"The state is a multiple, intersectional power structure. The contributions in this volume theorize modern Western statehood from the perspective of this form of domination of gender, sexuality and class relations, racialized and (post-)colonial constellations. With this theoretical perspective, the repeatedly produced combined relations of inequality, violence and domination are systematically examined. By linking state theorization with concepts important for critical feminist research such as domination, violence, body, autonomy, care, affects and desire, a mosaic of critical-theoretical approaches to the modern Western state is created."
On February 5, 2025, at 6 p.m. ct., the editors Gundula Ludwig and Birgit Sauer and the author Carolina Vestena will present the volume and their contributions on the concepts of "body", "affects" and "law" at the University of Kassel.
Moderation: Sonja Buckel
Organization: Department of Political Theory