
Welcome to the e-learning website of the Graduate Academy of the University of Kassel. Here we present our e-learning programme for doctoral candidates, which enables demand-oriented and time-independent further qualification. We offer a wide range of topics from "Rules of Good Scientific Practice" to "Agile Working" and "Scientific Communication".

National Institute for Science Communication (NaWik)

Communication experts and researchers will provide an overview of the possibilities for researchers to communicate outside of academia, including social media as a communication channel.

Skill Hub for Science

Designed for target groups in science and research this platform can be used to gain specific and flexible qualifications in key areas of competence like "Social Media for Scientists", "Agile Skills", "Time Management", "Mental Health" and many more.

Good Research Practice during Doctoral Studies

How should research results be documented? How do you cite correctly? How do you deal with image sources? The e-learning course "Good Research Practice during Doctoral Studies" provides answers to questions on how to work correctly.

E-learning for employees

Strategic Personnel and Organizational Development offers numerous e-learning courses for employees for their personal professional development.