
Supervising doctorates and other qualification theses is a challenge in terms of time, people and content. But the good thing is, you are not alone. According to LERU, it takes a village to raise a PhD.*

This series started in 2024 and will be continued in summer semester 2025. The series provides knowledge and skills you may need to create a creative inspiring research environment for your doctoral candidate and yourself.

*Recommended reading: Hillebrand, Helke; Leysinger, Claudine (2023): “LERU’s view on holistic doctoral super-vision”. LERU ADVICE PAPER no.29 - February 2023,


"It takes two to tango"

A successful supervisory relationship always takes two!

Supervising doctorates and other qualification theses is a challenge in terms of time, personnel and content. The series “It takes two to tango ”* gives you suggestions on what you should pay attention to in the supervisory relationship, how helpful it can be to compare mutual expectations, what obligations you have, but also what you can demand from your doctoral candidates in order to create a creative, inspiring research environment for your doctoral candidates and yourself.

The series will start in the winter semester 2024/2025 with five short workshops. Further events are planned. The target group of the short workshops are prospective supervisors, such as junior research group leaders or advanced postdocs.