Partner universities

Step by Step: Semester abroad at a Partner University

  1. Which universities can I apply to for a semester abroad? For that, please choose your faculty within the database. All exchange options should appear now. Also helpful: Experience reports of other students.
  2. Found something suitable? Each university has a coordinator who is responsible for the allocation of exchange places and the application process (not standardized). You can find their contact information in the database under the respective university.
  3. Apply directly through your coordinator at the University of Kassel with the documents required by said coordinator. The online application has to be filled out for all application processes.
  4. If the application is successfull, your coordinator will sign your online applicaion. The signed online application needs to be submitted to the International Office.
  5. The coordinator is responsible for the application or nomination at the partner university.
  6. When the nomination is confirmed by the partner university, you will receive further informations from the partner university.
  7. Please contact the coordinator at the respective faculty at the University of Kassel for expert advice and the recognition of your academic performances.

You have been admitted? Perfect. Apply for a scholarship.

Prerequirements and hints

  • You must be assigned as a degree-seeking student at the University of Kassel.
  • Please inform yourself as soon as possible about application requirements of the respective partner universtiy (i.e. language skills, deadline…)

Exception: exchange places of FB 02

There is a separate application procedure for the Faculty of Humanities (FB 02) - Institute of Romance Studies for the semester abroad. Your application must be submitted online. The signature of the Faculty Coordinator is obtained at the selection meeting together with the International Office, so you do not need to obtain it.


1) Before your application

Please first find out about your options for a stay abroad at a general information event.

Afterwards, please visit the websites of the universities of your choice to find out about the courses on offer and the organizational aspects of a possible stay at the respective university (e.g. varying semester duration, start and end dates...).

Please remember to take care of any necessary language certificates in good time. The relevant requirements depend on the desired destination country and the respective university and can be found on the websites of the universities or inquired about in a conversation with the cooperation officer.


2) Application

Please complete the online application form. Please read the instructions for completing the online application before completing the application. After entering your data, you will receive a printout of the "Application form for outgoers" in PDF format.

The following documents must be attached to the completed application form in the order given:

  1. Checklist of application documents
  2. Curriculum vitae in tabular form with photo (please complete the corresponding template in typewritten form )
  3. Current HISPOS printout signed by you
  4. Current certificate of study
  5. Language certificate, if required

by January 15 for a stay in the winter semester or the following summer semester

Example: Application by 15.01.2022 for a stay in the winter semester 2022/23 or in summer 2023.


⇒ by email to auslandsstudium[at]uni-kassel[dot]de
⇒ by post to University of Kassel, Dept. of Studies and Teaching, International Office, Mönchebergstr. 19, 34109 Kassel
⇒ in person (currently not possible) during opening hours (Mon-Thu from 13-15) at the information desk of the International Office (Campus Center, room 2116)

If you have any questions about the application process, please contact us by e-mail (

The presentations of the information events as well as the brochures with the partner universities can be found in our Moodle course*.

*Prior registration on Moodle is required.

For the Faculty of Humanities and Cultural Studies (FB02), Institute of English and American Studies, there is a separate application procedure for the semester abroad. Your application must be submitted online. The signature of the Faculty Coordinator is obtained at the selection meeting together with the International Office, so you do not need to obtain it.


1) Before your application

Please first find out about your options for a stay abroad at a general information event.

Afterwards, please visit the websites of your chosen universities to find out about the courses on offer and the organizational aspects of a possible stay at the respective university (e.g. varying semester duration, start and end dates...). Before the submission deadline, please also arrange an obligatory meeting with the cooperation officer of the university(ies) of your choice.

Please remember to obtain the necessary language certificates in good time. The relevant requirements depend on the desired destination country and the respective university and can be found on the websites of the universities or inquired about in conversation with the cooperation officer.


2) Application

Please complete the online application form. Please read the instructions for completing the online application before completing the application. After entering your data, you will receive a printout of the "Application form for outgoers" in PDF format.

The following documents must be attached to the completed application form in the order given:

  1. Checklist of application documents
  2. Letter of motivation in English
  3. Curriculum vitae in tabular form with photo
  4. Current HISPOS printout signed by you
  5. Current certificate of study
  6. Proof of language proficiency (e.g. TOEFL, IELTS), if required

When should you apply?
by December 15 for a stay in the winter semester or the following summer semester

Please make sure to plan this lead time. This is a cut-off deadline!

Example: Application by 15.12.2022 for a stay in the winter semester 2023/24 or in summer 2024.

The application deadline (15.12.) for the IfAA selection procedure applies equally to exchange places in Europe and in the USA or Canada.

How to apply?
⇒ by email to auslandsstudium[at]uni-kassel[dot]de
⇒ in person at the information desk of the International Office (Campus Center, room 2116) during opening hours (Mon-Thu from 1 to 3 pm)
⇒ by post to Universität Kassel, Abt. Studium und Lehre, International Office, Mönchebergstr. 19, 34109 Kassel

If you have any questions about the application process or would like to find out about funding opportunities for your semester abroad or your internship abroad in an English-speaking country, please make use of the individual advice offered by the International Office:

The presentations of the information events, as well as the brochures with the partner universities can be found in our Moodle course*.
*Prior registration in Moodle is required.


International Office
Moritzstr. 18 (2. OG)
34127 Kassel
Tel.: +49 561 804-2103

International Office: Mo - Do: 13-15 Uhr