12/14/2017 | New appointee

New at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Angela Ries

Since September 2017, Dr. Ries has been Head of the Department of Heterogeneous Materials as part of a junior professorship.

Image: Uni Kassel

After studying mechanical engineering in Kassel, she completed her doctorate in materials engineering, also in Kassel. Dr. Ries worked as managing director of the Transregio 30 Collaborative Research Centre and as head of the Thermoplastic Lightweight Construction working group at the Institute of Materials Engineering in the Department of Plastics Engineering. In the last four years, Dr. Ries has devoted herself to issues in the field of plastics and lightweight construction in transmission development at Volkswagen AG. She is currently working on polymer materials that exhibit heterogeneity due to their structural properties. The aim is to further develop methodological expertise in the field of analysis and to strengthen the ability to provide information on the reliability and safety of heterogeneous materials. (lis/Photo: University of Kassel)