12/15/2017 | New appointee

New at the Faculty of Organic Agricultural Sciences: Prof. Dr. Tobias Plieninger

Dr. Tobias Plieninger has been head of the joint department of Social-Ecological Interactions in Agricultural Systems at the Universities of Kassel and Göttingen since the winter semester 2017/2018.

Image: Annette Schaefgen

He was previously Associate Professor at the Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management at the University of Copenhagen. Tobias Plieninger studied forestry at the Universities of Freiburg and Göttingen. After completing his doctorate, he habilitated at the Humboldt University in Berlin. His research focuses on sustainability sciences. He is currently working on the topics of landscape change, multifunctional land use, ecosystem services and socio-ecological resilience. He was coordinator of the EU-FP7 project "Sustainable Futures for Europe's Heritage in Cultural Landscapes" and is co-editor of the journals Ecology & Society and Ecosystems. (lis/Photo: Annette Schaefgen)