Prof. Dr. Reinhard Lindner is Professor of Theory, Empiricism and Methods of Social Therapy

Prof. Lindner is a specialist in neurology and psychiatry as well as a specialist in psychosomatic medicine and psychotherapy. Lindner habilitated in psychiatry and psychotherapy at the Medical Faculty of the University of Hamburg in 2006. He worked for 18 years in a psychoanalytically oriented capacity at the Therapy Center for Suicide Patients, University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, and for eleven years as a senior physician for geriatric psychosomatics at the Albertinen-Haus Medical-Geriatric Clinic in Hamburg.
His research focuses on gender- and age-specific aspects of suicidality and suicide prevention as well as psychodynamic psychotherapy for the elderly. Other research interests include counseling refugees and suicide prevention in prisons.