Welcome to the University of Kassel Prof. Dr. Jochen Mikosch!

Jochen Mikosch took up a Heisenberg Professorship for Experimental Physics at the University of Kassel in May. With his working group, he intends to apply experimental methods from the highly topical research field of attosecond physics to issues at the interface between physics, chemistry and materials science. After studying physics in Freiburg, Heidelberg and Cambridge (England), Jochen Mikosch defended his doctoral thesis with Roland Wester in Freiburg in 2008 and was then a postdoc with Albert Stolow at the National Research Center of Canada in Ottawa. Since 2013 he has been Section Head and since 2020 also Project Coordinator at the Max Born Institute (MBI) in Berlin. In 2020, he received a Consolidator Grant from the European Research Council (ERC) for time-resolved structural imaging of the dynamics of chemical reactions. The new professorship will further raise the profile of the Institute of Physics' two main areas of focus - nanostructure science and optics with a focus on AMO research - and strengthen the Kassel-centered Collaborative Research Centre 1319 "Extreme Light for the Analysis and Control of Molecular Chirality (ELCH)"