03/08/2023 | New appointee

Prof. Dr. Michael Goller

New at the Faculty of Business and Economics

Image: Adelheid Rutenburges

Dr. Michael Goller took over as Head of the Department of Vocational and Business Education at the Institute for Vocational Education and Training in March 2023. After studying business education at the Friedrich Schiller University in Jena, he completed his doctorate at the University of Paderborn in 2017 on the topic of "Agency at work: A quantitative study on the professional development of geriatric care nurses" and completed his habilitation in 2022 on "Learning in practice: Theoretical considerations and empirical studies on conditioning factors of practice-based learning and educational processes". From October 2018 to March 2020, he held a professorship for business education at the Otto Friedrich University of Bamberg and from April to September 2021 the Chair of Empirical Methods in Educational Research at the Friedrich Schiller University of Jena. His research focuses in particular on vocational learning processes in the workplace, the effects of the digitalization of work, the career choice behaviour of prospective employees and methodological challenges of empirical research into vocational and business education phenomena.