03/08/2024 | New appointee

Prof. Dr. Jenny Preunkert

New at the Faculty of Social Sciences

Image: Uni Kassel

On February 1, Dr. Jenny Preunkert took over the professorship for Macrosociological Analyses of Contemporary Societies. After completing her doctorate at the University of Oldenburg and her habilitation at the University of Leipzig, she has held professorships at the Universities of Duisburg-Essen, Osnabrück and Siegen in recent years and has been a visiting researcher at Sciences Po in Paris, the University of Maynooth and the University of Wisconsin-Madison, among others. In her comparative and transnational research, she works at the interface of inequality research, political sociology and financial and economic sociology. In Kassel, she would like to advance international comparative research on housing inequality in Europe and continue to pursue transnational questions of private and public debt.