10/01/2024 | New appointee

Prof. Dr. Ina Kaul

New at the Faculty of Human Sciences

Halbportrait von Ina KaulImage: photo room | Andrea Scheffer

Dr. Ina Kaul has been Professor of Educational Science with a focus on social work and education since the beginning of October. She was previously Professor of Social Work at the HAWK Hildesheim. As a former visiting professor at the University of Kassel, she already held the Chair of Theory, Organization and Practice of Child and Youth Welfare at the Institute of Social Work. Her research focuses on topics of education and professionalization, also with a view to current transformation contexts, particularly in the wake of the climate crisis. She also works and researches on questions of didactics in social and childhood education fields of action and is co-founder of the "NetKid" network of childhood (and social) education university didactics. Two focal points will initially characterize the development of the subject area: Firstly, a social pedagogical didactics laboratory is to be created and secondly, the Master's degree course in Social Work, which is important for the Hessian university landscape, is to be anchored in education, further education and training.