Newly appointed professors
Prof. Dr. Julia Sauter

Dr. Julia Sauter will head the Department of Legal Psychology at the Institute of Psychology from April 2023. She studied sociology and psychology at the University of Heidelberg. She then worked as a research assistant at the Institute of Forensic Psychiatry at Charité Berlin and completed her doctorate at the University of Mainz on the relapse-reducing effectiveness of testosterone-lowering medication in people who have committed sexual offenses. At the same time, she worked as a therapist in the Berlin penal institution and later in the Forensic Therapeutic Outpatient Clinic at Charité Berlin. In 2020, she completed her license to practice as a psychological psychotherapist in depth psychology at the Berlin School of Psychology. She then headed the specialist therapeutic outpatient clinic of the justice system in Cottbus.
Her research focuses on the effectiveness of offender treatment and the design of the relevant institutions. A further focus will be on gender-specific aspects in the administration of justice.