Newly appointed professors

03/08/2024 | New appointee

Prof. Dr. Tanja Angelovska

New at the Faculty of Humanities and Cultural Studies

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Dr. Tanja Angelovska has been Head of the Department of Foreign Language Teaching and Learning Research: Didactics of English since the beginning of March. She received her doctorate from the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich in 2010, where she worked as a research assistant until 2015. In 2012, she was awarded the Leverhulme Trust International Visiting Research Fellowship and worked at the University of Greenwich in England. In 2018, Angelovska completed her habilitation in Salzburg on the topic of "Comprehension and Production in Instructed Second Language Acquisition: Psycholinguistic Accounts and Teaching Implications". Before joining the University of Kassel, she was Associate Professor of English Applied Linguistics and Didactics of English at the University of Salzburg. Her research focuses on the psycholinguistically based, empirical investigation of learning and teaching processes of English as a foreign language in second and multilingual learners, taking cognitive factors into account. She also develops evidence-based implications for school teaching.