Newly appointed professors

09/16/2024 | New appointee

Prof. Dr. Carolin Krahn

New at the Faculty of Human Sciences

Portrait photo of Prof. KrahnImage: Tomas Balous

Dr. Carolin Krahn was appointed Professor of Historical Musicology at the University of Kassel in summer 2023 and joined the Department of Music in September 2024. She studied Musicology, Early Church History and French Literature in Würzburg, Vienna and Paris. From 2010 to 2024, she held scholarships of the German Academic Scholarship Foundation, the DAAD, the European Recovery Program as well as Harvard and Stanford Universities, taught at the University of Vienna and served as a Research Fellow of the Max Weber Foundation at the German Historical Institute in Rome.

At the University of Kassel, Carolin Krahn's research focuses on European, especially German-Italian music history and aesthetics of the late 18th through 20th centuries, music-related image formation and transnationalism research, plurimedial music historiography and, in the future, especially the globalization of Italian opera in modern everyday culture.